The show, entitled "Attention Restoration Theory," is a gathering of my work from recent months when I'm able to escape from my daily responsibilities and focus solely on the problems of color, shape, light and how to capture an emotion and a moment in paint. Although there's some similarity in the frenetic pace at which I paint or plan a library program or a regatta, the focus in painting on a visual experience is like nothing else.
I hope you'll enjoy taking time out from whatever challenges you to share a little immersion in art. It may not change your life, but if Attention Restoration Theory applies to you as it does to me, it may just recharge you for the future.
1 comment:
Dear Judy, I am so sorry to have missed your show. Sadly, however, a dear friend's son died unexpectedly and I was was involved all weekend.
I've just gone through your site and found many paintings I wished I'd painted myself. You really have a lovely touch.
Finally, I jumped when I saw the painting of Rossdhu Castle. I have a photo of my mother holding newborn me in the Gatehouse they were renting. Apparently that's all that remains of the former buildings. Anyway, it was a lovely surprise to find you'd painted it.
I won't miss the Ratner Show!!!
All the best, Robin Harris at
P.S. Will be taking Walt's spring class.
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