February 26, 2009

Yellow Barn Gallery, March 21 & 22

Three weeks from now, the place to be will be the Yellow Barn Gallery, 7400 MacArthur Blvd., Glen Echo MD.  Saturday March 21 and Sunday March 22 from 12 - 5, I'll be at the gallery with my work on display and for sale.

The show, entitled "Attention Restoration Theory," is a gathering of my work from recent months when I'm able to escape from my daily responsibilities and focus solely on the problems of color, shape, light and how to capture an emotion and a moment in paint.   Although there's some similarity in the frenetic pace at which I paint or plan a library program or a regatta, the focus in painting on a visual experience is like nothing else.

I hope you'll enjoy taking time out from whatever challenges you to share a little immersion in art.  It may not change your life, but if Attention Restoration Theory applies to you as it does to me, it may just recharge you for the future.

February 13, 2009

Better? 2nd & 3rd Look at the Trail Painting

After my initial sketch of the trail I wanted to go back in and fix many of the things I couldn't get to in the first pass -- so I cleaned up the color, put the light spot behind the trees, silhouetted the jogger  ... is it better?  My next step was to clean up further -- tie some of the larger areas together so it wasn't so many individual moments, but a more cohesive experience.  Better still?  I don't know if I'm done yet, but I'm liking the evolution.

Still Life in progress

I started painting this still life today in a class designed to teach fundamental painting techniques -- not remotely my usual subject or approach to painting... and yet... I think I'm learning something.   Never having gone to art school, I've been learning by doing, not necessarily a bad thing.  Still, there are plenty of technical aspects -- the chemistry of painting-- that I know nothing about and if the paintings that come out of this are better for a little chemistry, all to the good.   

February 11, 2009

Wonder Woman, part 2

I had first intended to add a flag to the picture, but it was suggested to me that I put the stars on her costume instead.    Not sure what, if anything, I might do next.

February 9, 2009

Wonder Woman in the studio -- work in progress

In studio class today, we had a model and challenge of painting her in two different poses on the same canvas.  She was dressed as Wonder Woman.   This is the initial sketching in of what I think I'll be doing with her -- a large, cold, imposing figure facing a smaller, warmer, seated disciple.  How very odd - but if I ever needed to stretch my mind around painting way outside what I'd usually do, this would be it.

February 7, 2009

Along the Capital Cresent Trail

It's a warm-ish February day and bikers, walkers, skaters and joggers were out on the trail.  It was mid- to late afternoon and I wanted to catch the motion that was going by.  No one stopped to pose, although a few people asked for directions!

February 4, 2009

Mannequin and Model -- work in progress

It's crazy how I started this (the larger one), things were going well.... and then in fixing the mannequin, I made the model's face worse.  I was trying to relate the two expressions and I think I needed to step back a bit more to see the expression on the model.  This one is definitely going to undergo some more work.