January 30, 2012

Model with Parasol, Update

I spent some time today working on improving the likeness in the face to our model. I had taken out all the umbrella spokes, only to find I needed to add them back in again for the painting to work. The parasol is smaller and I think this is worked up enough.

After calling it quits on the portrait, I did a small sketch of the pose.

January 27, 2012

A Monumental Project

I have a show in September at the Foundry Gallery and I've decided to paint large canvases. It seemed to make some sense to paint monuments in monumental sizes. I'm planning on a 7 ft tall Washington Monument, a 6 ft wide Jefferson Memorial, that kind of thing.

I started sketching today. I'm having a grand time on the small versions and wondering how successful I'll be making them into large scale paintings. I did a tiny 3 x 5 painting of the Lincoln Memorial, using a penny as my reference and some shiny copper paint. A magnifying glass would have been helpful, I'm not sure that I'll try to turn that one into a full-size work. The 8 x 12 Washington Monument, though, which I painted from a vision in my head, just might work. I have to get out when the sun's shining, I hope in early morning, to get down some more sketches of possible subjects for these paintings.

January 18, 2012

Painting of a Backache

Our model in the studio today was asked if he wanted to take a break mid-morning. His answer was, "no, I'm fine, but does anyone have any Advil?"

January 10, 2012

Cake Baking

I don't paint in "series" and I don't cook every day (although there are those who would like me to!). Today I had to bake a cake and while the ingredients had to come to room temperature, I figured I might as well paint them. I am using a cookbook stand as an easel!

I think they came to room temperature quite some time ago! I kind of lost myself in making this loose painting of little touches of color, no drawn shapes. Time to bake the cake. I'll have to work on a little refinement --not too much -- later on.

Fresh Pasta Painting

Here's the final outcome. I played around with warming and cooling the foreground and background, simplifying shapes and then adding in more complexity... the result is that the paint is thick and highly textured.

January 9, 2012

Breaking Painter's Block

For the past few weeks I have been fighting "painter's block" and lacking the spark I needed to get a painting started. Finally combining tonight's dinner -- fresh pasta -- with a painting set up seemed to do the trick today. I was getting out the ingredients when the gleam of the metal bowl, warm color of the brown eggs and pyrex greenish glass looked like a painting to me.

January 2, 2012

Island Painting

I once again struggled with interactive acrylics on a beach vacation -- this time my problem was a palette the size of a baseball. Way too small for any real mixing of paint. I think -- in my dream life where I have time for this -- I should be spending time before vacation mixing this paint to see how it's going to work out and then I'll be able make my quick beach sketches work out a bit better.