Thornton goes on to discuss the critique process and how " there is undue pressure on artists to verbalize. Many believe that artists shouldn't be obliged to explain their work. As Hickey [an art critic] declares, "I don't care about an artist's intentions. I care if the work looks like it might have some consequences."
So -- first -- I have to apologize to my fellow painter George, whom I asked to explain what was going on in a series of paintings he's been doing. Still, I won't stop writing about what I'm working on, because I'm kind of a verbal person and it's not unnatural for me to match words to my own images.
And second -- where do I fit in the down to the wrist/up to the wrist thinking about art? I have to admit I think craftsmanship is overrated... but I have to think a lot more about this.
What do you think?